scavenger hunt

i haven't posted for awhile and it's primarily due to school.  i'm currently taking a photography course for non-majors and our first assignment was this scavenger hunt.  all of the photos had to be in black  and white, hence the lack of color, and some were last minute so they're pure crap or complete bullshit.
no judgement por favor.
also we have an ad campaign due in a week or two, so look for photos of that assignment soon.

bird's eye view
snake's point of view
where the camera is moving
something blurred
something panned
vertical for a reason
horizontal for a reason 
where three people form a triangle
a photograph within a photograph
of yourself
abstract forms
that is suprising
of moving water (so you can't really tell that it's moving, just know that it is...)
that demonstrates the rule of thirds
with direct light
with indirect light
with diffused light
where the middle is empty
that combine words and image

about cultural relationships
about truth (human waste)
about your greatest fear
about myth (unicorns!)
about sexuality
that you've always wanted to make (bullshit but i liked the texture)
with conflicting messages
that tells a story
from a dream
of yourself as an animal (spirit animals were acceptable)
of something insignificant
that reminds you of a movie (garden state)